Past Events

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Past Events

Past events 1 Brewers Game
Brewers Game
ICE members cheered on the Milwaukee Brewers as they beat the visiting team.
Past Events_ Wisconsin Native Vote
Wisconsin Native Vote Listening Session
ICE co-hosted a Listening Session event with Wisconsin Native Vote to collect feedback on Wisconsin state legislative issues.

Orthopedic shoe donation
Orthopedic Shoe Donation
Native American youth of Amplifying MKE Pathways delivered boxes of orthopedic shoes from Threads of Hope.
vaccination clinic
Vaccination Clinic
ICE held a vaccination event to ensure that members are up to date on their flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.

Picture of members holding an impromptu concert
Impromptu Concert
Members often bring their musical instruments for impromptu jam sessions.
Past Events - Indigenous Peoples Day at ICS
Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Members visited the Indian Community School for a tour and to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day.